Challenging the climate narrative. A youth-centred evidence-based movement for emotional resilience.
What is m.o.c.h.i.?
MOCHI is a youth-centred movement created to equip youth with the resources necessary to thrive amidst climate change and to encourage nature connection and engagement with meaningful climate action.
Serving The Next Generation On And Offline
MOCHI cultivates a deep connection with humanity and our planet. Online, MOCHI shares multi-disciplinary scientific knowledge about climate change and mental health to empower youth to address the uncertainty for the planet’s future. Offline, MOCHI encourages youth to step outdoors and meaningfully engage with nature and other young people.
Five Tenets: Mindful, Optimistic, Compassionate, Healing, Innovations

Impending climate catastrophe necessitates immediate decision and action. How we respond matters. Our responses should rise from intentionality, not haste or impulse. We must imagine a diverse range of future outcomes and choose solutions that support beneficial ones. Today’s choices are tomorrow’s consequences. We must, therefore, be mindful.
Optimism hinges on believing that a positive outcome is viable despite the uncertainty. When imagining our future, the best form of optimism is one that maintains an open mind. Leaning into this hope encourages a solution-oriented outlook that supports our planet and mental health. Let us remain optimistic as we consider our future.
Compassion emanates from acceptance and humility. Humility invites us to see beyond cultural divisions and realize our shared humanity. Acceptance encourages us to accept our successes and failures. Recognizing that we are all made of something greater than the sum of our individual parts allows us to be compassionate towards ourselves, others, and more than human beings.
Healing is required on a personal, social, and economic level. Centuries of egoistic and short-sighted decisions have alienated us from the more than human world. Human beings must meaningfully transform to challenge the system of values that support our flawed social and economic structures and relationship with the natural world. Only reconciliation will end the climate crisis and allow nature to heal. We must, therefore, transform into a more ethical and environmentally conscious species.
We must challenge the normative rhetoric and mindsets that shape existing climate solutions. How? With new tools, ideas, and resources that profoundly transform relational and economic processes in the battle against climate change. We must, therefore, strive for conscientious improvement and novelty.
About Us
Our team of professionals, students, and volunteers is multi-generational and international. We are a community of scientists, artists, game developers, musicians, and social media strategists who collaborate, mentor, and support each other to create climate related evidence-, hope- and solution-based digital content.
We are always looking for opportunities to create new collaborations.
Send us an email if you’d like to get involved!
The Game (Coming Soon!)
"Kibou - The Guiding Light" is a third-person, PC, action-adventure video game appropriate for all audiences.
The game is set on Kibou, an Earth-like planet in the Fireworks Galaxy, a million light-years from the Milky Way. Mochis are the inhabitants of Kibou, whose technologically advanced lifestyles have led them to live in megacities. A minority of Mochis reside in remote villages nestled away from the planet’s megacities. The city populations often overlook these Mochis, also known as the Villagers, because they don’t realise that their way of living originates on the principle of balance between nature and technology.
The game begins in the most populated area of the planet. The young Mochi Ki is on a video chat with a close friend who lives at the other end of Kibou. The two friends are talking in their Mochi language that humans cannot understand about the unfolding of recent climatic events that have become increasingly severe…when their connection is interrupted.
Goal of the game: Players must reach Ki’s friend at the other end of Kibou. But the transformational goals of the game are to reduce eco-anxiety and increase motivation to act towards the resolutions of the climate crisis.The game is appropriate for everyone, but it has been designed with adolescents and young adults in mind, given their heightened vulnerability to eco-anxiety.

The Social Media Campaign
Climate change is complex. Emotions are too. Confusing and contradictory media coverage about the climate crisis doesn’t help. To help reduce some of this noise and challenge the doom and gloom narrative, we’re launching #Mochi4theplanet.
What is it? This evidence-based social media campaign connects with youth emotionally, equipping them with a greater sense of purpose, agency, and responsibility to care for the planet and each other.
How are we doing this? Engaging and interactive science-based information, tools, and resources tackling common myths, fears, and emotions surrounding climate change. Expect original and evidence-based articles, blogs, videos, and animated series that illustrate how to best harness diverse emotions and overcome challenges and fears related to climate change.
Why are we doing this? We want the next generation to embody hope and solution-based narratives, and for young people to feel comfortable and confident heart-to-heart talks about climate change with peers, friends, and family online and offline.
Meet Mochi in a familiar yet dynamic space – social media – and discover the universality of connection, the power of story, and the human potential for resilience.
Follow @mochi4theplanet
Social Wall
The most important thing to do when raising chickens in the cold is to keep them dry and their coop as draft-free as possible. Keeping a coop draft-free while still providing good ventilation for moisture to escape is a little bit tricky. The best solution I found is to keep the ventilation up high near the ceiling and away from where the chickens perch at night. I cover the windows with feed bags because they breathe well but stop the drafts in the winter.
High protein feed and supplementing with kitchen scraps also helps keep chickens warmer. Extra protein increases the metabolic rate, which does help keep them warmer. I don’t know about you, but I feel way more comfortable with a full belly in general, and I figure my animals likely feel the same.
I don’t use heat lights or supplementary heat in my coop. I prefer to raise chickens well adapted to the cold and provide protection from the elements rather than risk fire in my coop. The best breeds I have found for our climate are Barred Rocks and Partridge Chanteclers. I prefer chickens with pea combs as they are small and close to the head, making them less susceptible to frostbite than larger combed breeds.
Have you ever watched a chicken ruffle their feathers? In the winter, they trap air under their feathers when they ruffle them, which helps to insulate them from the cold. The way that animals have evolved to be able to endure extreme weather is amazing!
#chickens #chickensofinstagram #chickencoop #chickencoopsofinstagram #farmlife #ranchlife #raiseyourownfood #winter #cold #barredrockchicken #partridgechantecler #peacombs #feathers #climateadaptation
Dec 14 4-5pm ET: Students, educators, families grades 6-12 and the public, join Thad Pawlowski of columbia_resilience to learn how urban planners and designers address climate change adaptation, re-thinking the way cities are built to promote climate justice and equity.
RSVP today for Climate Justice in New York City and other #ClimateLIVE #K12 programs at our🔗 in bio.
Free but registration is required!
📷: View of East River, Brooklyn Bridge, FDR Drive, and NYC skyline. Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto
#climatechange #climateaction #climatejustice #climateadaptation #onlinelearning #onlineeducation #homeschooling #virtuallearning #K12education #science #stem
Government officials, business executives, financiers, investors, technologists, and climate action practitioners discussed Hong Kong’s adaptation and resilience planning in the face of climate change with scholars of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) at the University’s three-day Climate Adaptation and Resilience Conference (CARE2022) which was kickstarted on 10 Dec and attended by about 1,000 participants.
Prof. Guo Yike, Provost of HKUST, said at the welcome remarks that HKUST has been committed to developing sustainability solutions for society. “Research on severe weather is a major part of our work in this area. Our scholars, with a wide spectrum of expertise, have been putting efforts in many areas,” he said. “By collaborating with governments and other stakeholders, we strive to contribute at the policy level and help build a cleaner and safer environment for people locally, regionally, and globally.”
The first day of the conference set the stage for further discussions on gaps and opportunities for stepping up actions in Day 2 and Day 3.
Day 2 (11 Dec), the Academic Day, focuses on technical discussions on important aspects of adaptation and resilience. Day 3 (12 Dec) is a Policy and Green Finance Forum with the participation of financial regulators, bankers, investors, industry leaders, and data technology leaders who will discuss climate risks, green finance, and green talent.
For more details, please visit https://ipo.hkust.edu.hk/whats-happening/news/hkust-care-2022-creates-opportunity-stocktaking-policy-and-measures-hong-kongs (Link in Bio)
#HKUST #CARE2022 #IENV #ClimateAdaptation #ClimateResilience #ClimateChange #Climate #Sustainability #Environment #GreenFinance
Auch vor unserer Haustür tut sich etwas: Auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt in Kandel (sehr gut mit dem Zug von Landau aus zu erreichen) gibt es einen veganen Foodtruck. Wir haben uns alle sehr über diese Nachricht gefreut und wollten sie auf diesem Weg mit euch teilen. Vielleicht findet ihr ja die Zeit vorbeizuschauen <3
At the christmas market in Kandel (very easily reached by train starting in Landau) is a vegan foodtruck. We all were very excited to hear that so we wanted to share this with you. Maybe you find the time to go there for a visit <3
#Adventskalender #Positiv #Positivdenken #Klimapsychologie #positive #staypositive #climatepsychology
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday urged the international partners to support Bangladesh in implementation of its multi-billion dollar national plan
👉Want to read more? Visit our site or check our story for the link to the news. You can also inbox us for the link!
#PrimeMinisterSheikhHasina #230billiondollars #climateadaptation
Egal ob draußen oder drinnen, suche Dir einen Ort an dem dein Herz aufgeht, schaue Dich aufmerksam um und nehme bewusst alle verschiedenen Facetten und Farbtöne um Dich wahr. Lass Dich davon verzaubern, wie bunt Deine Welt ist ☺️☘️🍂
If inside or outside go to the place your heart feels at peace, look around and take cautiouslly in all parts and colours. Let yorself be bewitched by the world around you ☺️☘️🍂
#Adventskalender #Positiv #Positivdenken #Klimapsychologie #positive #staypositive #climatepsychology
🐯Bei einer Erhebung dieses Jahr wurden laut WWF in Nepal 355 Tiger Individuen gezählt. 2009 waren es ungefähr nur 121 Individuen mit sinkenden Tendenzen. Neben der Vermehrung der Individuen haben sich auch die Gebiete erweitert in denen Tiger gesichtet wurden.
🐯 According to WWF a 2022 survey counted 355 individuals of tigers in Nepal. In 2009 there was only a number of 121 individuals counted which even seemed to be decreasing. Next to increasing the population the tigers also widened their range.
#Adventskalender #Positiv #Positivdenken #Klimapsychologie #positive #staypositive #climatepsychology
New Paltz is facing significant flood risk over the coming decades, especially with higher water levels. The animation below depicts flooding for a 1-in-100 year event in 2080, according to modeling by the Woodwell Climate Research Center. This type of flooding - riverine flooding - occurs when a river exceeds its channel boundaries.
New Paltz is also at risk for a second type of flooding. Pluvial flooding is caused by a stormwater system or soils ineffectively infiltrating or draining rainfall, leading to standing water.
Dominick Dusseau from the woodwellclimateresearchcenter presented at our Annual Watershed Conference. He described how climate data and flood risk tools can be used to inform planning decisions, using the New Paltz report as a case study of adaptation strategies.
Access the report at the link in bio.
#newpaltz #newpaltzny #floodrisk #floodstudy #climatechange #climateadaptation #climateplanning #hudsonriverwatershedalliance #annualwatershedconference #wallkilriver #wallkillriverwatershed #woodwellcenter #woodwellclimateresearchcenter
Rewilding boosts the climate change resilience of landscapes and communities.🌡️🌿👪
Today, ecosystems are increasingly being impacted by changes in average temperature, shifts in seasons, and a growing number of extreme weather events. Climate change also affects the wildlife within ecosystems in myriad ways. The Danube delta is not an exception.
But the good news is that the recovery of nature offers hope for the future. Rewilding can help to store carbon and boost climate resilience, enabling communities – both ecological and human – to adapt to the worst impacts of climate change.🌱
Learn more 👉 https://bit.ly/AdaptSurviveThrive (LINK IS ALSO IN BIO)
#CarbonCycle #ClimateAction #ClimateChangeMitigation #DanubeDelta #Flood #ClimateAdaptation #ClimateChangeAdaptation #WilderNature #FightClimateChange #ClimateChangeAction #ClimateChangeSolutions
For the past two summers, Dr. Jennifer Watts, alongside the Woodwell Rangelands team and collaborators, has driven across the western U.S. to collect biomass and soil samples and measure carbon flux from working ranches and federal grazing leases in Montana, Colorado, and Utah. These measurements will help calibrate a new satellite remote sensing-informed model that can track how much carbon is being stored on grazing lands.
The idea is that, with a tool like this in hand, ranchers can account for carbon dioxide flowing into and out of the rangeland ecosystem, and track how this changes over time in response to land management adjustments.
🚜 Dig deeper using the Linktree in our bio.
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateSolutions #ClimateScience #ClimateMitigation #ClimateAdaptation #WorldSoilsDay #SustainableAgriculture #SustainableFarming #SustainableRanching #Soils #Soil #SoilCarbon
What is Eco-healing, and how do you tap into it? Chris Marais, a conservationist, strategist, organisational and industrial psychologist - and CEO of the LCA - motivate from an existentialistic point of view, why we should not give up on the role we should play to positively protect the world’s biodiversity - for and together with future generations. Don`t miss this inspirational talk from Chris - hit the link in our bio or go to you YouTube channel
Picture via our partners at Odzala
#Africa #EcoHealing #ClimateCrisis #Climatepsychology #Africa #Wildlife #Naturelover #timeinnature #Dealingwithclimatechange #PlanetProtection #PlanetHope #Congo #Travelgram #VSCO #Instadaily #Hope #future